Deck Photos
From the latest updated point list:
- The spanish leage, november 2024: in facebook.
- French national cup, november 2024, top decks: facebook.
- Top 8 from webcam tournament, october 2024: facebook.
- The spanish leage, november 2024: article (scroll the bottom) or in facebook.
- Top 8 from webcam tournament, september 2024: facebook.
- The spanish leage, october 2024: article (scroll the bottom) or in facebook.
From the point list 1st august 2023 - 1st august 2024:
Deck photos from the World Championship 2024
- The spanish leage, Final in june 2024: in facebook.
- Top 8 from webcam tournament, january 2024: facebook.
- The spanish leage, november 2023: article (scroll the bottom) or in facebook.
- French national cup, november 2023, top 8: facebook.
- Top 8 from webcam tournament, november 2023: facebook.
- The spanish leage, october 2023: article (scroll the bottom) or in facebook.
- Top decks from webcam tournament, october 2023: facebook.
- The spanish leage, september 2023: article (scroll the bottom) or in facebook.
- Top decks from the online webcam tournament, september 2023: facebook.
From the point list 1st august 2022 - 1st august 2023:
Deck photos from the World Championship 2023
- The spanish leage, june 2023: facebook.
- Top 8 of the online tournament: facebook.
- The spanish leage, may 2023: facebook.
- The spanish leage, march 2023: facebook.
- The spanish leage, february 2023: facebook.
- The spanish leage, october 2022: article or in facebook.
From the point list earlier than 1st august 2022:
Deck photos from the World Championship 2022
- Photos of 40 decks in Facebook, webcam tournament june 2022 right before the championship.
- Madrid Leage in Facebook, 25 decks: Final LMOS 2021/2022 Deck Photos Report
- 23 deck photos from the World Championship 2021
- Decks of top 8 from the champ of champs tournament in april 2021
- Decks of top 8 from North Star cup in Finland in march 2021
- Deck photos from the players in denmark
Analysis of the meta
To easy see which colors and pointed cards are the more popular see this google sheet which has a summary of tournaments from august 2022 until april 2023.